The value of respite cannot be overstated. Respite care can prevent burnouts, reduces stress in families, prevents costly out-of-home placements, and prevents child/elder abuse and neglect. Respite care also serves to enhance the families' coping abilities, increase caregiver physical and mental well-being, while also providing the caregiver with an opportunity for rest, social activities and community involvement.
Our “RESOURCEFUL CARE NETWORK,” is a respite care registry that addresses the needs of Parent Caregiver Families who just cannot find anyone in their community who is willing to "give them a break". In-home respite and
​Respite Resources
Paying For The Provider
Families may receive funding for respite care services or some will "pay out of pocket". Providers may decide to volunteer their services or request an hourly fee. Fees or other charges will be entirely negotiated between the family and the provider. Live Resilient Inc is not an employment agency and is NOT a party to any negotiation or agreement between respite care providers and the families they serve.
of Family
Live Resilient Inc encourages families to properly screen, interview and/or train the provider/s and choose the respite care provider carefully. Live Resilient Inc recommends that 3 references be obtained.
Families may also request a background check be performed (with provider permission) on any provider in our registry for the same fee.
Become A Respite Provider
Respite Providers join the Caring Network and provide respite care services, click here. Registering as a provider in Live Resilient is free of charge.
Your private provider info will be available to families who access this registry. You will also be required to agree to our Terms and Conditions, see Respite Provider Terms and Conditions.
Find A Respite Provider
Registering to use Live Resilient Inc registry to find a provider is free of charge. Families and other caregivers will have to consent an online Release of Liability Agreement and abide by the Terms of Use rules to gain access to Live Resilient Inc. Parents/Families search for a Respite Care provider, click here.
Once registered, parents/families can return to the list at any time. New providers will be added as the Live Resilient Inc registry grows. We are pleased to assist families, caregivers and agencies that need respite services!
Respite Providers